Car to drive to the flashing lights will speak
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"People usually interact with the language of dialogue, and as vehicles age, we all sat in the car, car to drive to another how to communicate it? Has many years of driving experience for some of the old drivers and traffic police, car with you about how to phrase to achieve the exchange of cars and trucks. "
Not only to illuminate the lights, or cars driving on the road to ensure safety, do not follow the requirements of rational use of lights, causing traffic accidents are often hidden.
Recently, this reporter interviewed a traffic police on duty, he told reporters: "We are patrolling the road every day, I found almost half of the accidents are caused by the irrational use of vehicle lights. For example, when the city opened the road the car will headlights, steering, changing lanes is not open when the turn signal, fog, fog lamps not open bright lights, brake light failure and other problems are caused by vehicle rear-end, virtually scratch an important reason for the accident. light a car driving on the road Security is very important, the driver should drive on the streets before the first check their status lights, and to learn the proper use of lights. "
Not pique Light
Then what the car represents what each light means, the use of time should pay attention to what?
Press through a number of special cases, to remind us most easily overlooked, the use of error lights.
"Do not walk in front of the car, flash it about," "before the car too fast, flash it," I believe that many drivers have all done this before.
An interview with reporters in the survey found that most drivers in addition to dark to bright lights, is that in order to "flash" in front of the car to indicate the drive faster or to express their discontent.
Some drivers were car headlights after the "flash" In the future, it will speed up the traffic; some drivers have been "flash" after the angry camel will slam the brakes, do not let off after the car and then kick the accelerator to go ; some drivers were "flash" after the first hit to drive Road, turn signal, so that after the car first, then your headlights will be shining all the way to the vehicle in front, forcing the vehicle in front is also intolerable.
These circumstances, I believe most drivers are met, but in the end how the rational use of headlights it?
20 years of driving experience with the old drivers Hu master said: "The flashing lights have a skill, sometimes before the car note, or to remind the green light to go, flashed; sometimes for overtaking on the highway driving, flash twice to the vehicle in front; the such that the vehicle in front when the rear trunk or have not closed chaotic pendulum, or other problems and so on, headlights chain lightning three times to tell before the cart. flashing lights should flash regularly, can not help but flash intermittently chaotic, it is easy arouse resentment. "
"In addition, roads in the city when the car will be sure not to open headlights. If you open headlights, it is easy to put across to shake the driver's eyes went blank, it is susceptible to accidents. These are new user must pay attention The. "Hu he says.
Dual flash
To open a temporary street parking
Many people think that when the car breaks down before opening double flash, usually do not have access to, and that doing so in the end right?
Traffic police told reporters: "foggy day driving in the breakdown or traffic accident on the road, temporary parking on the road, the highway in case of fog, rain, snow, dust, hail and other low-visibility weather conditions should open the double flash light, the other pulling a breakdown vehicle, the tractor and the pulled, should also turn on the hazard lights. "
Traveling by car enthusiasts Li told reporters: "I have seen in the evening with high-speed road accidents, a black car parked in the emergency strip on the highway, neither place did not play double flash red warning triangle frame, the results back up the cart was hit. "
Zhao said the driver of a unit: "In fact, double flash is not only alert in the event of an accident do use it sometimes when the road team is also very important, such as some of the important protocol events, are required to open the double flash, this will remind the other vehicle not confusion and inserted into the fleet.
In addition, the wedding team should also be open double flash, one hand around the vehicle to remind the other, to jump the queue of other vehicles to prevent the wedding car fleet of the shooting. ” "
Turn signal
Turn signal does not play easily lead to disputes
Turn, change lanes without turn signals play some old novice drivers is not easy to commit and easier to commit the question, "The reason is that many older drivers to drive after skilled, often careless, since that nothing is often a direction to played in the past. "traffic police told reporters.
"In our dealing with the incidents which do not hit the turn signal problem is most easily give rise to disputes. Many accidents are caused because they do not hit the turn signal virtually scratch after the car's rear-end. Hit the turn signal is a kind of respect for other vehicles that polite behavior, but also for their own safety. "traffic police said.
Master of an enterprise team drivers Du told reporters: "playing the turn signal is a luxurious, overtaking the general fight left turn, give way on the right turn. Back to see if there is express, so let's hit the right turn signal, agreed After safe passage of vehicles. "
Key words:car light