Women should take advantage of safe driving signal lights

Sales Manager : Amy Feng
MSN : Amy@wplamps.com Email : Amy@wplamps.com
Alibaba: cn220020193 Phone: 0086-13126403867

The body of the vehicle while driving with the headlights, turn signals, running lights and brake lights are a good tool for you to transmit information. Red light on the road or the rear-view mirror when you develop the habit of watching, if you see a vehicle coming back too fast, you can step on the brake pedal several times so that the brake lights flash a few warnings to vehicles. While in motion, in particular the prohibition of overtaking the road, when cars get too close after the light step on the brake may also be using the brake light signal. However, note that only slightly depresses the brake pedal, the brake has not made the role of the basis before the brake lights, the car behind the vehicle in front will be that to stop, and step on the brake, or going to the toilet too much force can cause rear-end . Especially at night, the brightness of the brake lights than Baitian Jiang, the effect will be better.