Car lights and maintenance: protect the car's eyes
Sales Manager : Amy Feng
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Alibaba: cn220020193 Phone: 0086-13126403867

Headlamps, like car's eyes, is the intent of the display driver, especially in the dark of the night, it can also indicate the way forward for you. So, good car maintenance is important to the eyes. Check exterior lighting bulbs burn out failure is an extremely quick and simple job. However, the vehicle lamp to a comprehensive system maintenance is not so simple. Timely maintenance of the vehicle lighting is critical to drivers, because it affects not only driving comfort but also directly related to traffic safety. Often been reminded before, the owner is difficult to realize that headlights, taillights, turn signals or parking lights no longer work properly. By the way, replace the burned out light bulbs work is very simple, the DIY costs less than service stations for lighting system maintenance fees.
reasons for the decrease brightness
After both headlights or headlights, so long as it is not bright, it shows that light bulb has burned and must be replaced. But if not completely broken, but decrease in brightness, and dim red light, it must not be taken lightly, because this may be a precursor to failure, and reduce the lighting capacity is also driving safety hazard.
There are several reasons for the decrease brightness, the most common is the lighting of the astigmatism on the glass or mirror product with dust, then the need to do is to use cloth or lens paper to remove the dirt clean. Another reason is that the battery charge capacity decreased, the brightness caused by insufficient power is not enough, so the new battery to be replaced. Another possibility is that the aging lines or wires too small, resulting in increased resistance and thus affect the power supply, this situation affects not only the work lamp, serious and even lead to overheating and cause a fire line.
the use of various lights
Headlamps: Generally speaking, often burning the midnight oil friends should consider replacing a pair of higher brightness of the headlights, so in the dark night, bright enough to help you see all the details of the road, playing away in the light time also allows you to see farther. If conditions permit, you can even replace a pair of xenon headlamps (hid), xenon lamp is not only enough brightness, long life, it has a characteristic: color temperature is very high, close to daylight color temperature of the driver's eyes are a kind of protection.
Rear lamps: Do not underestimate the rear lamps, rear lamps if the failure can easily lead to rear-end accidents. Generally speaking, if not failure, not many upgrade options taillights, in addition to installation of transparent and increase the ornamental lights outside the shell, with the led light to replace the traditional light bulb is a good choice, led not only to increase brightness, response time than traditional bulb has been shortened, which means that when you depress the brake pedal, led brake lights can be brighter than ordinary bulbs much earlier, so that the trailing vehicle to have more time to prepare.
Fog: Fog is often said that the spotlights. As the name implies, the main purpose of fog lights in bad weather to ensure the driver's line of sight, and to ensure that others can see you, and now many manufacturers, the purpose of installing fog lights front bumper, just to make more beautiful, so Comparison of the use of poor quality fog lights. And headlights, except replace the fog light enough outside, choose a pair of hid xenon fog lamps is also a good choice.
Rear license light: dark, parking is really a headache, especially the eyes were not very good drivers, factory backup light in the faint light is not much help. Then you need a Rear light, which is a security bars installed in the middle or below, after the independence of lighting, you hang up automatically after the reverse gear light, the brightness of its strong backup of your night no longer have to fear the.
understanding of the principles and the maintenance of car lights
If your car is equipped with a diurnal light system DRLs (DaytimeRunningLamps), you must first understand the working principle of these devices. If the vehicle is equipped with a light control light (dim light, that is, when the outside world to a certain extent, the system automatically turns headlights with the function), may wish to check the light sensitivity from the weakest to the strongest state in the light of the work process, of course, Do not ignore the check automatically turn off the timer. If the system is equipped with a timer, set the maximum delay.
If the headlight damage and will often be replaced with similar fixtures. Some cars are equipped with high-intensity discharge headlamps HID, the device through its electronic system to produce pre-designed high-pressure arc discharge generates high-density source. Note that the ordinary quartz - halogen bulbs can not be in this application. Also, check whether there are cracks the lens headlamps, because although the surface cracks will not affect the headlights lighting performance, but moisture along the crack into lamps, and this is bound to reduce the lamp life.
Calibration of the direction of headlights light maintenance projects should be included in the list, because the drivers driving in order to ensure maximum safety, headlights must be able to provide a good vehicle before driving to the lighting.
Reminder: Do not modify lights, halogen headlamps many domestic car factory general brightness, color temperature, yellow, and slowly darken with time, it is difficult to meet the safety requirements of road lighting, easily lead to accidents. So regularly check the normal traffic light system to meet the requirements of exchange is necessary bulbs.
Sales Manager : Amy Feng
MSN : Email :
Alibaba: cn220020193 Phone: 0086-13126403867